Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Snowboard

I was finally able to take a day and head to the mountain. The beauty of living in western Mass now is that some of the greatest mountains in Vermont are only an hour away. I spent the day riding with my little brother last Friday and the conditions were incredible. There was plenty of powder, a few icy spots, but not bad for the 2nd day of spring. Rich is an incredibly graceful rider. He takes too many risks with jumps for my taste (he's had the broken bones to prove it) but he glides down that mountain in style. My fear of the half-pipe is behind me, but I don't actually make air. (I have too many book deadlines coming up to risk anything.) Here's a pic of me riding down the slopes. And take note: I wear a helmet and wrist guards. (Richie was too fast for the mountain photographers.)

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