Friday, December 02, 2005

kid quote - what happens when you graduate from college?

So I was visiting a school here in the Boston area yesterday and I was doing my presentation for 5th graders. I talk about my life as an artist and part of my shtick is that (when I get to the part of graduating college) I ask them, "What happens when you graduate from college?"

Of course I always get at least one kid who says, "You get married." I get the occasional "You can do whatever you want!" But yesterday I received quite an array of responses. The last one by far being the most surprising of any of my presentations.....

ME: So what happens when you graduate from college?
KID#1: You're a grown-up.
KID#2: You need to get a job.
KID #3: You need to pay your own taxes.
KID#4: You need to pay off your college loans.
KID#5: You get a car.
KID#6: You need to pay your child support.


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