Many folks who read this blog most likely either host authors at their school or are themselves authors who visit schools. I wanted to point you to an article on the Publishers Weekly blog that was written about a recent school visit I had in Vermont. I'm pointing it out because I want everyone to remember how valuable a local bookstore can be to your school visits. Everyone wins when a local bookstore runs the book sales. As you'll see, they do a ton of work that the hosting school won't need to undertake—ordering stock, organizing orders, etc. For the author, it's a wonderful opportunity to get to know the booksellers in the communities they visit. (If you're lucky enough, you may even be asked to sign stock for the store.) And for the bookstores—it's a way to keep their cash registers ringing. And THAT is something that the entire community benefits from.
You can read that PW article here: http://blogs.publishersweekly.com/blogs/shelftalker/?p=12496.
In the article you'll be introduced to the folks at Flying Pig, a fantastic indie with fantastic people. Every town should have a great indie. Perhaps you have one closer than you think. Check out this search tool to find your closest bookstore:
In the article you'll be introduced to the folks at Flying Pig, a fantastic indie with fantastic people. Every town should have a great indie. Perhaps you have one closer than you think. Check out this search tool to find your closest bookstore:
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