Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Why "Thank you Wisconsin!"?

Many have wondered over the years—why did I set Punk Farm in Wisconsin? At the time of the book's writing, I had never stepped foot in the state. But I had worked many years at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp with Wisconsin resident Fr. Domenic Roscioli. Fr. Dom, who volunteered and would thereby be constantly humbled by working under early twenty-somethings staff members like myself, was a staple at camp. A cancer survivor himself, he has accomplished many amazing things—including growing his philanthropic business, which was just featured in Milwaukee's Journal Sentinal.

The article is a great read. Check it out here.

Also, look for bags of Fr. Dom's Duck Doo Compost ("Food for the soil") hidden in Punk Farm's barn.


BookMoot said...

What a great story!

Jarrett J. Krosoczka said...

Fr. Dom is the best!