
Sunday, January 09, 2011


So it's official! It's 2011. I've been very busy, as I've hit the ground running finishing up art for LL6 and working on the first draft of PPS1. Nothing beats starting out with a clean studio. (See the above photo created using a nifty iPhoto picture stitching app thingie.) I did a lot of reorganizing and bought an additional bookshelf. One of my goals this year is to take a few minutes out of each day to just sit with my art books. (Another goal is to actually paint on that blank canvas that has been mocking me for the past two years. I'd love to get to do some non-book art.)

Don't worry, nothing is alphabetized—just organized by type. Picture books, graphic novels for young readers, graphic novels for older readers, YA books, art books, etc. My toys continue to fight for shelf space. It's amazing how quickly you can feel like you're outgrowing a space.

Lots to look forward to this year! Lunch lady and the Bake Sale Bandit was just published and Lunch Lady and the Field Trip Fiasco will be out on September 13th. Also out on September 13th will be Ollie, which will mark my return to picture books as an author/illustrator. Chew, Chew Gulp!, a book that I illustrated for Lauren Thompson will be out on May 24th as well. And on February 15th, Lunch Lady y el sustituto cibernético, the Spanish translation of LL1, will be available!

I'll also be busy this year working on LL7, LL8, PPS2, my next picture book and a second book by Lauren Thompson. (As of right now, those are all slated for a 2012 release.)

Another big thing to look forward to this year—my first book, Good Night, Monkey Boy, turns ten years old on June 12, 2011! Such an odd feeling to think that I've been in print for nearly ten years as I feel like I'm just getting started. Look for lots of exciting announcements to come surround my 10 year printaversary. In the fall, the Worcester Art Museum will be holing a retrospective exhibit of the original works from my books. WAM is planning a big event surrounding the exhibit to benefit the Joe and Shirl Scholarship. (October 23rd, if you have your calendar handy.) I'll also be sending some of my artwork down to Houston, TX. (Which, let's face it, I've spent enough time in Houston to consider it a second hometown!)

Please stay tuned, there will be plenty of other announcements to come, I just can't talk about them all as of now.

I hope that 2011 is a good one for you! I'll see ya on the Internets!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like 2011 will be another fabulous year for JJK! :) Can't wait to see you back in Houston soon!
