
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Sketchbook Saturday

A new year, a new Sketchbook Saturday. The theme for this year—paying attention to the world around me. It used to be that I would sketch the world around me non-stop—on planes, on trains, in parks, etc. And I haven't in some time. And it's not just because my book deadlines have mounted up or because of the responsibility of fatherhood. I blame that little gadget that I keep in my pocket every day—my iPhone. It's just become too easy to jump on the Internet to fill the time between getting from one place to the next. So to keep my New Year's resolution on track, I will be posting a new page from my sketchbook, my current sketchbook, every Saturday.

Today I bring you a sleeping pug.


  1. Very Saturday I would say.

  2. I have the same new year's resolution! I used to sketch constantly...and lately I find myself playing with the same gadget. So I'm getting back to sketching and character development when I find a free minute. Thanks for the inspiration as always!
