On December 13th at 4:54 AM, the world stood still and time stopped. G and I welcomed our first child into this world. Zoe Marie is a beautiful, healthy and happy baby girl. Both baby and mommy are doing extraordinarily well. There are no words to fully communicate the joy, the pride and the sense of awe I have for the whole experience.
I can only imagine the affect that young Zoe will have on my work. I'll have a front row seat to the wonderment of experiencing the world for the first time.
For those of you who are curious how Ralph is adjusting, he is also doing very well. The doctors gave us some articles of Zoe's for him to sniff before we introduced the two. Ralph is already very protective of his little sister and has taken to kissing her little toes.
I hope that everyone enjoys the holiday season. I know I will, sleep deprived and all! I'll be signing off now to focus on my young family and will see you in two thousand and nine. Thank you to all who help me make this dream of book making a continued reality. And thank you to everyone who has sent an email, a voice mail, a text message, a Facebook wall post, a fax or a carrier pigeon with your well wishes for our Zoe.
Happy Holidays!
Congratulations again! Enjoy every moment.
Congrats from the librarian and students at Sampson Elementary School in Cy Fair - Houston, TX
Congrats momma K and daddy K!
OMG! Congratulations! Your world will never be the same again...in a good way. Have a fabulous holiday!
Congratulations! December babies are the best. Enjoy this wonderful time with Gina and your little one.
Congratulations to you and your lovely wife! Girls are great. My husband and I so enjoyed watching our Sara grow and change. Have a great Christmas with Zoe!
Love this photo. Congratulations and enjoy every moment!
Blessings and congratulations to Mommy and Daddy and Zoe. Life will now proceed at warp speed! Engage!
What a wonderful way to spend the holidays!
Now get some sleep...
Congratulations from the students of St. Andrew School, Newtown.
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