Thursday, October 11, 2018

Press Roundup for Hey, Kiddo!

Got a ahold of the print edition of the Publishers Weekly with this fantastic. So grateful for the coverage for this book that is so very different for me. I’ve spent countless years wondering how this change of pace might be received... 

You may find the article online here:

SO psyched to have HEY, KIDDO on the Indie Next List for fall. Thank you, indie booksellers, for bringing this book to your readers!
Check out all of their recommendations here:

Hey, Kiddo has received a FIFTH starred review, and I am so incredibly thankful that this story is being supported. Look for the review in the September 15th issue of Booklist!

Get a behind-the-scenes look at the making of HEY, KIDDO over at the 7 Impossible Things Before Breakfast blog:

My local papah covers all that went into making HEY, KIDDO. đź—ž

HEY, KIDDO receives an official review in the New York Times!
Online now, in the papah on Sunday!

So incredibly grateful for this coverage in The New York Times. The front page of the Ahts section!
 I hope that young readers feel less alone when they read it. 

In their latest episode of the Scholastic Reads podcast, you’ll hear from me, but you’ll also get the perspective of Kim Tranell, executive editor, Scholastic Classroom Magazines, about ways she has covered topics of addiction—specifically, the opioid crisis—in Choices magazine for teen readers.

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