
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Tour Schedule Fall 2013

Happy back-to-school season! I'm gearing up for a very exciting fall, where I'll be visiting with students and educators in seventeen states. Whenever I can, I hold public events during my travels. Below is where you can find me in the next few months. Perhaps I'll see you there?

September 5, 5 PM- Slidell, LA- St. Tammany Parish Library- Slidell Branch Library

September 22, Brooklyn, NY- Brooklyn Book Festival

October 5, 10 AM- Chapel Hill, NC- University of North Carolina Steinfirst Lecture

October 11, 6:30 PM- Providence, RI- RISD's Entrepreneur Mindshare Keynote

October 12, 2 PM- Providence, RI- RISD READS Children's Book Reading and Signing

October 19, 9 AM- Providence, RI- Rhode Island Festival of Children's Books and Authors

October 23, 12 PM- Green Bay, WI- Wisconsin Library Association Author Luncheon Series

November 2, 8:30PM - 12:30 PM- Chestnut Hill, MA - The Foundation for Children's Books 

November 10, 10 AM- Storrs, CT- Connecticut Children's Book Fair

November 17, 9 AM- Hartford, CT- Rising to the Challenge- American Association of School Libraries Author Breakfast

November 21, 4:30 PM- Boston, MA- National Counsel of Teachers of English Conference:
Elementary Section Get-Together

November 22, Boston, MA- National Counsel of Teachers of English Conference: 12-1 Platypus Police Squad signing at HarperCollins Children's Books, 1-2 signing Lunch Lady at Random House Children's Books


  1. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Please come west. California loves you! (And for my own selfish geographical reasons my I recommend Hicklebee's bookstore in San José?)

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Also in Boise, Idaho Ada Community Library we are fans!
