
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My TEDx talk: Imagining Beyond Your Circumstances

Hi folks,

If you follow me on Facebook or Twitter, you may already know this story. Last month I had the great opportunity to give a TEDx talk. And it was completely unexpected. Gina and I were planning the rest of the Friday workday and then the evening when around 2 pm the phone rang.  It was a friend who worked at Hampshire College. She ran the TEDx talks at the school and would I like to give a talk? Of course, I would. In a few months? Somebody had cancelled and they were hoping I could fill in . . . for a TEDx talk that started in FOUR HOURS! 

Fortunately, I had a slideshow filled with childhood artwork at the ready. The talk, however, was unlike any I had given before. I talked very candidly and openly about growing up as I did.

I really love how TEDx summarived my talk: "Jarrett J. Krosoczka tells us how imagination and the encouragement to pursue artistic expression transformed his life."

I hope that you all enjoy the video.

Most sincerely,


  1. love! wonderful! funny, poignant, authentic... A reminder that small words & gestures can have huge impact.

  2. Wonderful talk and so inspiring. Thank you!

  3. It was truly wonderful hearing your story about growing up and your love for art. Thanks for sharing. You are an inspiration!

  4. Thank you for sharing. Your video brought me to tears.

  5. Great talk! How did you come up with that in 4 hours? Also, I noticed that you never say um. I'm working on that. Is that something that you worked on or do you naturally not say it? Just wondering.

  6. Thank you all for your very kind words!!

    Meghan, being a frequent guest on radio shows, I'd listen back to the interviews and hate hearing myself say "like" or "um", so I sort of beat myself out of it.
