
Monday, April 25, 2011

What happens on Twitter

Every now and again I'll shoot out offers for give-aways on Twitter. (If you're not following me, please do - @studiojjk.) I recently had a bunch of extra cover proofs for Lunch Lady and the Field Trip Fiasco, which won't be out until September 13th and tweeted out that I would send them to the first few people who tweeted back.

Mr. Lewis was one of those who was mailed a cover proof for LL6. He videotaped his students' reactions. Check it out:

And don't be jealous Facebook friends, I'll be giving away things to you, too. (Friend me here, like me here.)


  1. That is awesome, Jarrett!!! :)

  2. Jarrett: I love this!! I've been to Mr. Lewis's class and he is totally and completely awesome!! A huge fan of children's lit and the best teacher ever. The kid who guessed that the pic on the envelope was Viola was referring to a character in The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester (my book).

    What a treasure he sent you!
