
Friday, March 19, 2010

It Doesn't Get Much Better Than This

It doesn't get much better than this! A few weeks back, I had a great visit with the students at Prospect Hill Academy in Somerville, MA. The school is just around the corner from the apartment that I moved to upon graduating RISD. It was cool to drive by and see the windows of the room that was once the studio where my career began. But this blog post isn't about my sentimental blabbering. It's about these amazing projects that the students made ahead of my visit! Librarian extrordinaire, Mrs. Kugel, gave a self-directed assignment. Make something, anything creative, based on my books for a chance to win your way into a pizza party.

I was amazed. Check out the awesomeness below! (Not pictured: a rap written and performed by one student and braces with yellow rubber bands on another student.)

LL in 3-D!

The whole gang!

A Mustard Grappling Hook!

This Apple Alarm was rigged up to actually work!

This book had a more thorough analysis on
the science behind LL's gadgets than I give in the books!
Betty would be jealous!


  1. Isn't this stuff the best part of being an author?? Love it!

  2. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Wonderful author deserves such awesome kids and a fantastic school!
