
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Old Comics - Factor 8: a boy and his alien

When I arrived at RISD for my sophomore year, I wrote and illustrated a comic for the Brown/RISD Independent, a student a paper that had both schools' names on it, but was mostly put together by Brown students. Factor 8: a boy and his alien was about a boy who helps an alien escape evil aliens who are hunting him down. The boy also had hemophilia. I was coming off of my first summer working at the Hole in the Wall Gang Camp and was greatly impacted by the experience. The strip run for a year in the paper, until I brought everything online and the comic existed as a web comic for an additional year.

I adapted the comic to be a picture book in an independent study with one of my professors. It would be my first picture book and last comic, until . . .


  1. Until...????

    Wonder Bread Woman?
    Super Snack Girl?
    Lunchable Boy?
    Appetizer Woman?
    The Breakfast Super Club?
    The Dinner League of Gentlemen?

    What is it?!?!?

    The wait! The suspense! The smell of cafeteria beans!

    It's AGONIZING!!!

