
Thursday, May 07, 2009

LL 1 and 2

I think every author would agree that the best part of creating a book is getting to hold the finished product in your hands for the first time. And today I had that experience . . . times two! My wonderful editor overnighted me a package with copies of the finished Lunch Lady #1 and #2 books! And as an added bonus, there were also some LL posters that Random House produced to hand out at BookExpo and upcoming conferences.

Here's a sneak peak at Lunch Lady and the Cyborg Substitute and Lunch Lady and the League of Librarians, which are both due to be on book shelves on July 28th!



  1. It's so encouraging to see great ideas and great talent make their way into the hands of young readers. Go get 'em!

  2. That's so freaking cool I could scream! If I weren't at work, I'd do so.

  3. As a volunteer lunch lady (I am also a mother of a 7 year old wonder and an aspiring children's book illustrator), I cannot wait for your books to come out. Hooray for your books and the grand date of July 28!
