
Monday, April 06, 2009

you can't keep a good pug down

When we were renovating this old detached garage to be my art studio, we built French doors into it, to get all the natural light possible. Then Ralph came along. And he is very territorial. Someone driving by on a bike? He barks. Squirrel? He barks. A house guest who leaves the house? He barks once he sees them out the window.

So the French doors are covered by Roman shades. But Ralph seems to have made adjustments to them accordingly, in order to bark at the neighborhood cat.


  1. I had a pug for years--they're the greatest dogs ever! I particularly love how they stick their tongues out for so long, they get all dried up and shriveled! Too funny! :)

    All the best,
    Lori Calabrese

  2. It is so nice to see that you have kept Ralph at a good, healthy weight! This dog needs his own tv show!

  3. Lori, yes pugs are the best!

    Nina, thank you for that comment. We've been working hard on keeping him fit. We walk about a mile per day, sometimes more.

    And Jeanne, you never know...
