
Thursday, October 23, 2008

I recently received....

Very exciting news - I recently received, in the mail - an ARC.

No, not that kind of arc...it's what we in the publishing biz call an Advanced Reader's Copy. It's the book all abound up for reviewers, buyers and the like to read. It's not exactly how the book will look when it's pub'd, but it's pretty close. It gives information on what the publisher plans on doing for the book when it comes out - and there are some pretty exciting plans in the works! What is this book you ask? Well, some of you may have heard me talk about this book project here and there, but it's the first book in my graphic novel series. The series is called LUNCH LADY and the first book is called LUNCH LADY AND THE CYBORG SUBSTITUTE. The 2nd book in the series will pub on the same day as the 1st book - on July 28, 2009.

So what does this new book look like? Something like this:

What's that you say? It's a bit of a tease, you really can't see too much of it? AH HA! That's the point my friends, it's too early to show you more. BUT - the cover for book #1 has been floating around the Internet for some time now on various on-line book retailer websites. Because that has been out there, I will post it here.

More in due time...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Exciting! Looks great Jarrett - and I love the new style! Never seen examples of your line work before... Excellent!
