
Thursday, November 15, 2007

The "Get This Book" Series

Hey gang- it's been a while since I posted any book recommendations here. I've been meaning to, time has just escaped me! Wedding, book touring, etc - you know the everyday things that just mount up.

There's been a picture book that I've been intending to post about because the illustrations are just awesome. If you haven't read The Secret Life of Walter Kitty by Barbara Jean Hicks (words) and Dan Santat (pictures) you just need to. Dan Santat is the man - in both skills and heart. I first came across Dan's work at a Society of Illustrators show years ago when his book The Guild of Geniuses was on display. And I thought "Oh man - this stuff is cool!" Then a few years later I got to meet Dan while in LA. And I thought - "Oh man - this guy is cool!" All of us East coasters wished he lived on this side of the states.

Now, I have to admit, I'm not much of a cat person. But Walter Kitty has won me over. He's helped me look at the world from a cat's perspective - and if cats can be pirates, explorers, astronauts and superheroes, they're cool with me.

If you don't trust me, trust the editors at Amazon, because Walter Kitty was just put on their list of the best picture books of '07 - coming in at #2!!! Congratulations to Barbara and Dan!

PS - If you need any further proof of the coolness of Santat - the dude's got his own show on the Disney Channel (The Replacements) and he illustrated the '06 Macy's Day Parade poster!


  1. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Thanks for the post, JJ. I have to say, I think Dan Santat is pretty cool, too. I hope I get to work with him again! Three cheers for Dan and Walter Kitty--a.k.a. FANG! Back to work... BJ

  2. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Hey JJ, I just checked out your awesome website. Did you make your own trailers? There's a new youtube group just for kidlit book trailers--you should post yours there. The address is

  3. Awww, Thanks for the kind words man! I LOVE YOU!
