
Friday, August 17, 2007

The Society of Illustrators

I just got word that Punk Farm on Tour will be included in the Society of Illustarors' "The Original Art" exhibit. This is a huge honor. Especially because - I have been rejected from this show every year that I have had a book published. And some years, I had two books up for consideration!

Every previous year, I waited anxiously to hear about my inclusion in the show, only to find out that others had already heard back weeks earlier. But this year, it completely slipped my mind and I was really taken by surprise when the phone call came in that Punk Farm on Tour made it into the show. With all that has been going on with me (wedding in 6 weeks, moving, deadlines, stress in general) I had completely forgotten about the show.

I've made it to a few of the openings before and I'll look forward to the end of October to make it into the city to see this year's show. And if you're wondering what that's like, imagine all of your favorite illustrators, their friends and family members, editors, art directors, designers and agents in a room about the size of a large hallway, all cramming in to see the art, well at least to hob knob amongst the art.

I am so excited that my work will be there this year and I really can't wait for all of you to see the art in this new book of mine, be it in person at the show or printed in the book!

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