
Tuesday, December 19, 2006

tree '06

For the first time, we broke tradition and decorated a tree that was actually...Christmas themed. Every year my sister Maura, brother Rich and cousin Mike come into Boston to decorate an unorthodox Christmas tree (see pics from trees past, here). But this year, everyone had a nutty schedule, Rich and Mike were on their way to Boston, got lost and ended up not coming because they had work at 6 the next morning. Which left tree duties to Maura, Gina and me. This year our tree was Christmas themed and almost traditional, if it weren't for the fact that the tree acted as the mountain top from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.

I hope everyone out there has a happy holiday season! I'm not sure if I'll get to post anything before 2007 gets here, so if I don't - see you in the new year!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

English twin

Last summer at the SCBWI conference, some guy was running around the jade party pretending to be me. Now I've seen a photo of this guy and I have to say - we really don't look anything alike. My friend Andy and I however, do look remarkably similar. So much so, that my own mother had to do a double take when looking through photos. Andy recently made a trip over from his hometown of Bristol, England with our friend Steve.

Maybe I should get my publisher to hire him out to book tour next year?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

serious Baghead fans

This picture was sent in by some very serious Baghead fans!


Check out this cool pumpkin carved by a reader in Texas!

The "Get This Book" Series

Cowboy Ned and Andy by David Ezra Stein is a beautifully illustrated and charming book. I first saw this book last summer and then soon after met David himself at the
big SCBWI conference. Cowboy Ned and Andy is a story about the friendship between a cowboy and his horse and the cowboy's impending birthday. The expressions, gestures and movement found throughout the book are stellar. I love the colors and the painting technique that David has here and in the rest of his work. Do check out this book and while you're at it, his website - www.davidezra.com. He has some forthcoming titles that I am sure will not disappoint!

back in business (for now)

Hey there neglected blog readers! Well, I am back. It has been quite an eventful few weeks. Aside from having a great Thanksgiving, I was buried under paintings and the intenseness of a book deadline. But guess what? I finished what will be my 9th book!!!! Yes, I spent some more time on the farm (sort of) and ……Punk Farm on Tour will be hitting bookstores and libraries everywhere in the fall of ’07! I am really proud of this book. I labored over the paintings and this book is filled to the brim with Punk Farm madness.

I can’t wait until you all get to see it.

Remember when I said that I would post pictures of my Slug tour? Well I finally have – and they can be found here – http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiojjk/sets/72157594417146026/

More soon!