
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Get This Book Series

So I am starting a new series on my blog. I want to give shout outs to friends who have new books out and I want to suggest books that I just think are neat. The innagural book for the JJK "Get this Book" Series
is....(drum roll please)....

Chowder by Peter Brown . Peter let me take a look at the proofs for this book a few months back and I have to say - it's great. Great story and amazing illustrations. If you didn't see Peter's first book - Flight of the Dodo - check it out. Pete will be around in this biz for a long time!


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Agreed! One of the best books of '06. The barnyard animals' designs are fantastic, and the opening shot of Chowder on the john is classic. Brown is a new favorite. Get it!

  2. That looks like a great book. Bulldogs are...well, maybe not the best but pretty close to the best dogs ever; they're so curmudgeonly and wrinkled.

    I'm looking forward to this new "Jarrett Recommends" series.

  3. Hurray for Chowder! Hurray for Peter! And stay tuned for a sequel next Fall 07--The FABULOUS BOUNCING CHOWDER!

  4. what a great idea -- i'm always looking for new books -- keep those suggestions coming!

    i've had "flight of the dodo" on my amazon wishlist for awhile, so "chowder" was added right away. hopefully i'll get a chance to purchase it soon.
