
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The World's Greatest Book Return!

I have found the world’s greatest book return. Sorry, all other book returns.

Lunch Lady and the Perhaps Suspicious Character!

I am laughing right out loud. This is one of the funniest and most clever welcome signs a school has ever made for me. Zoom in to read the word bubbles. 


Thankful for cartoon balloons on tv, thankful for family memories old and new, and thankful for all of my readers. Hope you enjoyed this Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 13, 2017

Concert Live Sketching

Drawing in the dark at the Seu Jorge concert. Such gorgeous music:

 Saw such a fun show—PIXIES with opening act Sunflower Bean. The next day, I was listening to both on loop in the studio:

Dicey Riley show at the Iron Horse:

School Visit Questions

I drew a picture of Loren Long at a school visit in October because he was there a few weeks before—and he got all of the kids to ask me questions about HIM!

KID: What is your favorite Loren Long book?
KID: Does Loren Long have any dogs at home?

I ended up calling my old pal and keeping him on speaker for the entire Q&A.


During a recent Q&A after a presentation...
KID: If you were stuck on a desert island with one of your characters from your books, which character would you choose.
ME: (thinking. thinking.....still thinking.) How long are we on this desert island for before we’re rescued?
KID: A year.
ME: (Looks at display of my books, attempting to find just the right answer. And then finally...) Betty. Because she would invent a coconut water purifier and other life-saving inventions.
I have never been asked that question before, it was very interesting. Which book character would you want to get stuck with?

Bozeman, Montana!

‪Book mobile + snow + mountains = the view from Bozeman Public Library.

I’m just amazed. Despite having had more than a foot of snow fall the night before, the Montanans turned up in full force for the book festival. It speaks volumes about both their love of literature and their complacency with inclement weather.